The Central School District (CSD) is the temporary name for the area encompassing the potential new school district in Northern Utah County. If voters approve of the new school district, the future school board will select the final name. CSD is coordinated through an interlocal agreement signed by the cities of Alpine, American Fork, Cedar Hills, Draper, Highland, and Lehi.
Discussions regarding the creation of CSD have focused on whether the new school district could provide more direct representation for local decision-making, better represent the unique and diverse needs of the six cities, and more equitably invest in education funding for children in the communities.
On April 29, the city councils of Alpine, American Fork, Cedar Hills, Draper, Highland, and Lehi unanimously passed resolutions that would potentially create a new school district. In accordance with state law, the cities have conducted a study to assess the feasibility of the split. From Wednesday, June 19 through Friday, August 2, 2024, each of the six cities held two public hearings to hear directly from the public regarding the proposed new school district.
It is anticipated that on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, the councils of each city will consider voting to put the question regarding the creation of a potential new school district on the ballot for voters to decide. Should voters approve the creation of the Central School District on Election Day on November 5, 2024, it would take several months to establish the new school board and administrative functions. The new school board would also likely undergo a rebranding process to establish a name for the new school district.